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Tea Events Coming Soon!

Tea Parties & Paint and Sips.
Please reach out if you are interested in us hosting an event for you!

the tea lady

Hi, I am Linda Velez and I am an avid tea lover. I've always been in awe of how one cup of tea can change your whole day! It can relax you, calm you, and make you feel happy! With learning, blending, and exploring all the benefits of tea, I wanted to share my love of tea with you. So come sip and chill with me as you find your favorite blends with Love Sips!

what we believe in.

Love Sips is all about genuine love, self love, self care, and overall good vibes. We are creatives, and we strive to let our creative nature take over within our teas. Love sips is a safe place for everyone. We hope our teas will bring you peace, joy and love with every sip you take. Remember to live life to the fullest, do everything in love, and sip the day away.

Do everything in love - 1 Corinthians 16:14

Love Sips is a huge advocate for mental wellness. Everyone has days were they are not okay and that is absolutely okay. We are here to promote self love, self care, and self wellness.
